Monday, November 15, 2010

Month of Thanks #15

Oh boy today was a day...

I am thankful the day is basically over, but seriously lets think about this...

I would be thankful for pacifiers and binkies, however they would not calm the screaming child refusing to fall asleep.

I would be thankful for me-time at the gym, but the class I decided to take did not feel like I got all that great of a work-out.  Tomorrow will be the true result.  Oh and super technical instructor, not so fun.

Okay, I am thankful for grandparents who are willing to watch grandchildren so gym me-time can be attempted.   I am thankful for the Walgreens workers who tell me which aisle pacifiers are in.  I am thankful for the instructor who taught the class even though she needed a sitter. 

In addition, I am thankful for memories.  Keith happened to turn on Monday Night Raw (something that has not been on in our house for YEARS!)  I remember how my grandpa used to order EVERY SINGLE pay per view events for both WCW and WWF.  Haha and how my mom was banned to the dining room while it was on for talking too much. 

I guess I have I do have things to be thankful for today.

1 comment:

  1. You are a very wise woman to find things to be thankful for even in a less than ideal day.


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