Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How did I do on the productive scale today?

The day my life changed forever!
I have been battling with some personal and professional issues the last few months.  Personally, I am feeling the stress of the decision to start our own business.  (We are still a fairly new business under 3 years.)  We want to purchase a home, but things need to happen before that can move forward.  I want another baby and that is not an easy process for us seeing that I have PCOS.  I cried the day my cycle started.  I guess I was under some stress.

So I decided that I was going to just get out of this funk.  Yes, I can pray and pray and pray that God just fixes it all.  Let's face the facts here - God will not work in our lives if we are not being obedient to His will.  Faith is active and I sitting around doing nothing is not active.  How do we know what God's will is?  I guess that is different for all of us.  For me, it's that gut feeling.  I also write letters to God, they are my prayers and when things seem to just hit me I know that it is coming from Him, not my own thinking. 

Don't get me wrong I haven't been just sitting back praying for it all to just work, but I have not been giving it my all everyday.  I have been blaming this funk.  I decided that I am going to set little goals each day, at the end of the week bigger things are accomplished. 

Goal 1 - 10 faxes per day for Summer events.  - today that was a big fail. 
Goal 2 - Contact a new reviewer for Touch of Home Learning.  - Not a huge fail, I e-mailed with a reviewer about a new review.  Which lead to a "To-Do" list that was rather intensive.  Which I got 75% of done today.
Goal 3 - Follow 10 new blogs.  - yeah, 0. 
Goal 4 - Personal Funk removal - wear more than lounge clothes, shower and look as if I was leaving the house - BIG FAIL, but PB was not feeling well and woke up 1 1/2 hours early screaming.  By the time I actually was able to shower-get dressed I decided it was just too late. 
Goal 5 - Maintain the clean house I worked my butt off to get last Friday - Yep, not so much. 

I can get caught up on all of this tomorrow. 

Looking at my goal list one would think that I would be beating myself up for everything I didn't get done today.  This is just not true.  Yeah!  I updated the blog layouts for both blogs.  Touch of Home Learning looks AMAZING!  It looks just great!  I made some decisions on where the business is going to go from where it is now and what the focus is going to be.  I added pictures to 3/4 of the posts that didn't have pictures.  And I picked two winners for our two giveaways.  All in all I think the day was very productive. 

I am looking forward to Me-Time tomorrow at the Gym, I hope the weather lets me.

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