Sunday, December 9, 2012

N is for New

I am back with my next All About Me A to Z.  I am up to N.  

N is for New

New Chances, New Challenges, New Addition

I am sure that I don't have to tell any mom out there.  Life can get crazy.  Job changes send your world into tailspins.  Birthdays come out of no where.  Days start to blur into each other.  Then just when you hit that point you can't take anymore ... you are hit with something else. 

Thanks to the hand of God and people being here for us we have made it through the last few months.  We have had family come through when we needed it most.  We had friends give us an entire Thanksgiving meal.  I have had 2 friends give us money out of the blue.  I am thankful that these people listened to that still small voice.  We are so blessed.

On the Friday after Thanksgiving we were at the grocery store (yes I know, we are insane).  It wasn't that bad honestly.  We are grocery shopping and I get light-headed and my blood pressure just drops.  I said to Hubs, man I hadn't been feeling well lately (like 6 weeks).  I would get all anxious feeling and I had been super emotional.  Seriously with everything going on in our lives I thought I was starting to battle a bout of depression.  We have been going through this financial mess and job changes for over a year.  I figured I was just hitting the end of my rope. 

But I was starting to wonder something else ... Could I be pregnant?  I mean I could be ... I mean it's not like we are preventing anything.  But ... thanks to PCOS the missed cycle does not mean there's a baby brewing.  More often than not it just means the missed cycle. 

That day we decided to get 2 tests ... I took one right away.  Thought as I wait ... nuh uh, that is not the test line showing up that fast ... no freakin' way.  I took the 2nd one the following morning.  Another positive test.  Oh boy, now what are we going to do.

We are Outside Marketing Consultants, 100% commission - independent contractors.  The income is starting, but it's not there yet.  We can't afford private insurance, but the little we do make also means that we don't qualify for government insurance.  -- Dear God please don't let our situation steal the joy of this season in our lives - that was my prayer.

Thankfully we found a program through our hospital for uninsured pregnancies.  Great news!  We also found out that friends of our used it to have their daughter (it cost less than their deductible).  So that eased my worries.

I am being blessed beyond measure with this pregnancy when it comes to my health.  I have been so healthy that I even took a third test before I could get in for my first appointment at the clinic.   

Our situation is not ideal to be pregnant, but it is what it is and God equips us for what He gives us.  So I will lean into the potter's hands and let Him equip me for what lies ahead. 

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