Week 5:
- Post the Online Bible Journey on Sunday (Psalm 136) - posting today.
Having access to only one computer that we can get online with is really effecting writing, blogging and posting. Adjusted goal for next week. Work out a plan for this.
- 3 Notes to Hubs about real reason why I love him, things I am excited about with our future and things that build him up during this stressful time.
- Make up and hair just for him - not because I am going somewhere (the only time I have been looking presentable lately.)
Fail and Fail. Our living situation is really just effecting a lot in our lives. We need to accept what is going on and roll with it. Not let it control us. We are not living very intentionally right now. This is not acceptable.
- Try to fit in a coffee date with a girlfriend.
Fail. I have not been a great friend. In fact we learned about friendships in church yesterday and this is also somewhere where I just need to be more intentional.
Not true. You are a good friend. We all have difficult seasons in life. I have learned it's the friends that are here no matter what that are keepers! Just now some faces popped in your head...those are your forever friends.