Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Spring Cleaning Update

Earlier this week I mentioned that it is National Cleaning Week.  If you looked around my house you would think that there was no way I knew this.

I did tackle the closet though.  In fact I tackled both hall closets.  One was just putting things away where they fit better.  The other took some actual sorting.


This is the closet that stores the bulk of Touch of Home Learning Supplies.  Things, as you can see, are everywhere.  The pink circular tub is sitting in another tub.  Plastic shoe boxes that should be up on the shelf just tossed in there.  Sewing supplies that don't even belong in here added to the pile.  (Why I then also tackled the other hall closet.)

So, I started by just pulling that middle stuff just out.  If it went somewhere else I made a pile to put away later (by later I meant when I was done with project).  That blue tub there was all sort of Christmas stuff that was going to be donated!  The next tub was all office supplies that I have not touched in at least 12 months.  Much of which went straight into the donation pile.  After I pulled it all out I put away what was just out of place, donated stuff I didn't use or need.  Re-organized and stacked it a little differently.

I will admit there is still 1 dishpan of stuff that I need to just sort through since Hickman #4 woke up from nap during this project.

This resulted in two bins of garbage and two bins of donations.  Donations including original art work that my husband doesn't love that I painted back in college.  It has yet to be displayed in any of our homes, so I am going to bless tornado victims with some original art.

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