Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Work at Home Mama -- again.

From August to December I was a working mom. In the beginning I loved it. I was getting to do what I loved - teach preschool. I was getting a break from my own kids, although that honeymoon ended faster than it began.

Without going into all the details - it started to wear on me FAST.  The funny thing is it was because of where I was working and had nothing to do with not seeing my kids or my husband day in and day out.  I was miserable and quickly falling into a depression.

As soon as my husband got a job I quit.  There is a long, sorted story there that does not need to be told.  So, I am back home!

As a working mom it's strange the things you miss after you have been an work at home mom for over 4 years.  People would tend to think it would be ...

This face - day in and day out.  YES!  Even though he was at the daycare with me, 
I didn't get to see him all day.
or ...
Making silly faces with this one .. just because.  (She was in my room so
I got to see this lovely ALL day still.)
and although this is true.  It's strange the other things you miss.

Like drinking from something other than a water bottle.  There is something about
drinking out of something that does not have a screw on lid or a straw.  Just saying.
Real clothes (not the professional pj's - known as scrubs), real shoes - not gym shoes,
doing my hair - not just throwing it up in a bun or a ponytail and wearing make-up
(it was pointless at the daycare in my sauna of a classroom.)
Oh it feels so good to be back home.  I know I am a nerd, but I also missed having the time to plan meals for my family.  Being able to do laundry on a Wednesday because the bedding just smelled a little off.  Not to mention having time to be part of a bible study and rejoining the Mom's group we were part of.

But I am back to being a work at home mom, not just a stay at home mom.  I AM NOT SAYING ONE IS BETTER THAN THE OTHER.  We have specific goals where I need to bring in income.  With both of us working (even just for the 1 week we did it) it is NOT cost effective for me to work outside of the home.

So what have I been doing?

I will be blogging again - but let's be honest here, blogging is a hard way to bring in full-time income.  I am still decorating cakes with Sweets and Soirees, and although it brings in some money it takes A LOT of work to get my name out there, and there are things in place right now where I can't really market this that strongly.

Enter Teachers Pay Teachers.  While I was working I found this site.  I did some research and fell in love.  I still help some teachers I used to work with making lessons, games and other activities.  I am still teaching my two, and we are doing at home preschool.  When we are on our own again I might be adding some kids to the mix with babysitting.  I use the products I am creating along with games, toys and art projects, so they truly are kid tested.  I do everything I can to keep it play based learning.  For those of you who have been in the Pre-K arena these resources fit well with the Creative Curriculum.

Okay, enough advertising.  Here is the important thing.  I am happy - no I am joyful.  Life is not how we want it right now, but I can still be joyful in the transition.  I am looking forward to what God has in-store for us.

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